Amy Peterson- A Great Parent

Amy Peterson, a single mom in Locust Grove, GA, dressed like a man to take her daughter, 6 year old Gracie, to the Father-Daughter Dance. The school did not let her in.

Shame on Locust Grove Elementary School Administration.

Not having a father in her life has been difficult for Gracie in the past. Amy says that her daughter has been subjected to bullying by her kindergarten classmates at Locust Grove Elementary School.

‘Had one kid tell her she didn’t have a dad because she’s fat and ugly,’ Amy recalled.

The Henry County Schools district said in a statement obtained by WSB-TV that the dance announcement indicated that ‘in lieu of a dad’ any ‘family or friend or father-figure’ could attend. Yet Amy wasn’t the only mother who wanted to go to the dance to support a daughter, according to the school district — other mothers were informed of the dance rules and told they couldn’t attend either.

Call me, Gracie. I’ll take you next year! I’d be honored.

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